![Photographies de la Casa de Ninos](uploads/img/shuffler/img05.jpg)
L'ASBL Amigo Negro Jose est une association sans but lucratif née en septembre 1992 d'une rencontre fortuite entre Salmiens (habitants de Vielsalm dans les Ardennes Belges) épris de musique andine et des musiciens boliviens fiers de l'intérêt porté à leur folklore et leur culture.
La Bolivie, berceau de la civilisation Tihuanaco, est le pays d'Amérique latine le plus pauvre du monde. Les Andes dominent le sud-est du pays et se divisent en deux cordillères qui délimitent le large plateau plus connu sous le nom d'Altiplano.
C'est dans cette région aride, à 4.000 mètres d'altitude que l'ASBL Amigo Negro Jose vient en aide aux enfants démunis, orphelins, enfants des rues et enfants abandonnés.
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The ASBL was born from a chance meeting between Salmiens fond of Andean music and Bolivian musicians proud of the interest paid to their culture and folklore.In 1992, the underprivileged region of Oruro on the high plateaux of the Great Cordillera in Bolivia happened to be chosen.
At a concert in Cherain, Father Jean-Marie THOMAS, Claudine and Jean-Claude HEYDEN met the VIENTO group. They were taken by the music and the kindness of the 6 colourful- poncho-clad boys and they became friends with them and met them whenever they could. They started trusting each other: Jaime, Juan, Josue and the rest told about the poverty of the Bolivian people and more particularly about the poverty of the children of the street.
The 6 young men were crying out for help and Jean-Marie responded generously. He rounded up the Salmiens, his friends and the group of rural housewives of Salmchâteau. He made collections at the church, organized a dinner party at Salma Nova, called meetings. Claudine and Jean-Claude were deeply involved; the ASBL was officially set up thanks to Philip Van Noppen, an old friend. Jean-Marie became the deputy-chair and Philipp the auditor. Claudine and Jean-Claude became chair and secretary.
Vous écoutez une jolie chanson : " Je suis né malheureux, apprends-moi à être heureux"
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https://facebook.com/AMIGO-NEGRO-JOSE-la- casa-de-niños-2229787837275746